Pain in the Neck and Shoulders
Relieve your pain in the neck (and shoulders)!
With special techniques and customized bodywork, Ginny Hofrichter can help end your neck pain.
Neck pain can be caused by:
- Whiplash
- Working long hours at the computer
- Sleeping “wrong”
- Lifting heavy luggage
- Arthritis
- Thinning discs
- TMJ Syndrome
- Stress and worry
- Anger
Ginny Hofrichter’s sensitive fingers are adept at finding and releasing tight muscles and trigger points, thus providing effective pain relief.
In addition, her Craniosacral work can help relax the entire nervous system and release the membranes around the spinal cord—resulting in less discomfort and nerve pain.
When asked where they hold their tension, most people say “neck and shoulders.”
Bodywork focused on the neck, shoulders, and arms can give the upper body a freedom that people need in our stressed society.
Combine this specific work with full-body structural alignment and you have a recipe for more ease and balance—not only in your neck and shoulders, but also in your whole life.
You may also want to refer to the page Healing Back Pain.
If you’re ready to get rid of your neck and shoulder pain, call Ginny at 860.344.9324.